Ukrainian-Americans Rally in Support for Aid to Ukraine During Congressional Discussions

WASHINGTON D.C. ( – As Congress deliberates on aid to Ukraine, Ukrainian-Americans from Minnesota gear up to press for assistance in Washington, D.C. Maria Doan, representing Stand With Ukraine MN, expresses disappointment over Congress’s failure to pass a Ukraine aid bill since October. Despite the U.S. Senate’s approval of a $95.3 billion foreign aid bill, including $60 billion for Ukraine, the House faces opposition, particularly from some Republicans.

House Speaker Mike Johnson pledges action, but a vote is delayed to address GOP resistance, notably from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who threatens Johnson’s leadership over additional aid to Ukraine. Amid intensified Russian attacks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeals for more U.S. support.

Minnesota’s Democratic representatives and Rep. Tom Emmer, R-6th District, support increased aid, but some Republicans, including Reps. Pete Stauber, Michelle Fischbach, and Brad Finstad have opposed previous funding attempts.

The looming Ukraine Action Summit will draw advocates from 202 congressional districts, urging lawmakers to prioritize aid. Concerns over Ukraine’s fate echo among European nations, highlighting the global ramifications of U.S. action.

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