Ponsford Man Receives Jail Time and Fines for Revenge Porn

DETROIT LAKES, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – Matthew Brett Hukriede, 37, of rural Ponsford, has been sentenced in Becker County District Court for a gross misdemeanor charge of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images. A felony count and a second gross misdemeanor charge were dismissed in a plea agreement. According to court records, on May 19, 2023,… Continue reading Ponsford Man Receives Jail Time and Fines for Revenge Porn

Rochester Man to Serve Time for Minneapolis Murder and Face Second Trial for Moorhead Killing

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – Idris Haji-Mohamed, 29, of Rochester, was sentenced to 25½ years in prison for the 2022 murder of Jeremy Ellis near U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis. Hennepin County Judge Paul Scoggin handed down the 305-month sentence on Friday, May 24, as court documents revealed on Tuesday. A jury convicted Haji-Mohamed of two… Continue reading Rochester Man to Serve Time for Minneapolis Murder and Face Second Trial for Moorhead Killing