EGF man sentenced for possessing child porn

Kevin Wayne Cota Pennington County, MN ( – An East Grand Forks man was sentenced Monday, April 15 in Pennington County District Court for possessing a total of four pornographic images of two girls. Kevin Wayne Cota, 45, was sentenced for four felony counts of possession of pornographic work involving minors. Judge Tamara Yon had… Continue reading EGF man sentenced for possessing child porn

Minnesota Man Charged with Felonies for Possessing Ammunition and Violating Sex Offender Laws

Moran, Lashaun Tarez BAUDTTE, MN ( – In Baudette, Minnesota, 44-year-old Lashaun Moran is entangled in a web of legal woes, facing a barrage of serious charges. Here’s the breakdown: Charges: Moran is confronted with felony charges, including possession of ammunition as a felon and failure to adhere to sex offender registration mandates. These allegations… Continue reading Minnesota Man Charged with Felonies for Possessing Ammunition and Violating Sex Offender Laws

Arrest of Felons Possessing Handgun Made After Gunshot Fired

MANDAN, N.D. ( – In a dramatic turn of events on Sunday, April 21, two individuals found themselves in handcuffs after a gunshot shattered the peace on Interstate 94 east of Exit 153. A vigilant North Dakota Highway Patrol trooper, trailing the suspects’ vehicle, sprung into action upon hearing the shot and witnessing the car’s… Continue reading Arrest of Felons Possessing Handgun Made After Gunshot Fired