Ponsford Man Receives Jail Time and Fines for Revenge Porn

DETROIT LAKES, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – Matthew Brett Hukriede, 37, of rural Ponsford, has been sentenced in Becker County District Court for a gross misdemeanor charge of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images. A felony count and a second gross misdemeanor charge were dismissed in a plea agreement. According to court records, on May 19, 2023,… Continue reading Ponsford Man Receives Jail Time and Fines for Revenge Porn

TRF man pleads guilty to child porn charge

Jonathan Wyatt Hulst Pennington County, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – A Thief River Falls man pled guilty Monday, April 15 to possessing an image of child pornography. Jonathan Wyatt Hulst, 22, pled guilty to a felony charge of possession of pornographic work involving minors. Hulst, who cried during the court hearing, admitted he possessed an image of… Continue reading TRF man pleads guilty to child porn charge

EGF man sentenced for possessing child porn

Kevin Wayne Cota Pennington County, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – An East Grand Forks man was sentenced Monday, April 15 in Pennington County District Court for possessing a total of four pornographic images of two girls. Kevin Wayne Cota, 45, was sentenced for four felony counts of possession of pornographic work involving minors. Judge Tamara Yon had… Continue reading EGF man sentenced for possessing child porn