Ponsford Man Receives Jail Time and Fines for Revenge Porn

DETROIT LAKES, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – Matthew Brett Hukriede, 37, of rural Ponsford, has been sentenced in Becker County District Court for a gross misdemeanor charge of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images. A felony count and a second gross misdemeanor charge were dismissed in a plea agreement. According to court records, on May 19, 2023,… Continue reading Ponsford Man Receives Jail Time and Fines for Revenge Porn

The Sheriff’s Office Discloses Reason for Inmate Fatality in Polk County Jail

Matthew Bagley CROOKSTON, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – In a solemn disclosure, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office has unveiled the cause of death of an inmate at the Northwest Regional Correctional Center in Crookston. Matthew Bagley, 51, hailing from Lebanon, Tennessee, met his demise on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. Cause of Death Confirmed: Following an extensive autopsy,… Continue reading The Sheriff’s Office Discloses Reason for Inmate Fatality in Polk County Jail