Moorhead Man Accused of Killing Unborn Child and Brutally Attacking Woman

Richard Basswood III
Richard Basswood III

MOORHEAD, MN ( – In a shocking turn of events, Richard Leroy Basswood III of Moorhead, Minnesota, finds himself at the center of a disturbing crime. Basswood faces charges of murder of an unborn child, along with domestic assault and threats of violence, following a harrowing incident on March 15th.

The Incident

Officers responded to a distress call at 10:16 18th Street South, where cries of a woman were heard alongside a male voice. Upon entering the apartment, they discovered a scene of horror: a woman covered in blood, gasping for air, and in desperate need of medical attention. The victim, later identified as 16 weeks pregnant, recounted a terrifying ordeal of violence and terror at the hands of Basswood.

The Assault

According to the victim’s statement, Basswood flew into a rage upon learning of the landlord’s presence, blaming her for the situation. He proceeded to brutally beat her, punching her repeatedly in the head while strangling her to the point of suffocation. Despite her pleas for mercy, Basswood continued his assault, leaving the victim battered and fearing for her life.

Tragic Loss

Tragically, the assault resulted in the loss of the unborn child. The victim, already gravely injured, was devastated upon learning of this heartbreaking outcome.

Legal Proceedings

Basswood, now in custody, faces severe charges for his heinous actions. As the legal process unfolds, the community awaits justice for the victim and her unborn child.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of domestic violence and the urgent need for support and protection for victims.

I’m Tom Berg reporting for

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