Minnesota Historical Society to Return Mankato Hanging Rope to Dakota Tribe in Historic Justice Move

Hanging Rope Returning
Hanging Rope Returning

MANKATO, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – The Minnesota Historical Society has announced its decision to return a historic artifact, the Mankato hanging rope, to the Prairie Island Indian Community. This rope was reportedly used during the mass hanging of 38 Native Americans after the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. The Historical Society will file a notice of intent to return the rope and will give it back to the tribe next month if no other claims arise.

The Dakota War of 1862, also known as the Sioux Uprising, was an armed conflict between the United States and several Dakota bands. It began on August 17, 1862, along the Minnesota River in southwestern Minnesota. Leading up to the war, treaty violations by the United States and late or unfair annuity payments caused increasing hunger and hardship among the Dakota people.

During the conflict, Dakota warriors attacked settlers, leading to numerous deaths and causing many to flee. In response, U.S. soldiers captured hundreds of Dakota men and interned their families. A military tribunal sentenced 303 Dakota men to death, but President Abraham Lincoln commuted the sentences of 264. On December 26, 1862, 38 Dakota men were hanged in Mankato, marking the largest mass execution in U.S. history.

The return of the Mankato hanging rope represents a significant act of repatriation and acknowledgment of historical injustices faced by the Dakota people.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for nomadnews.i234.me

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