Minnesota Enacts Gun Safety Law Mandating Immediate Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms

ST. PAUL, MN (nomadnews.i234.me)

  1. Legislative Approval: The Minnesota House passed a bill by a narrow margin of 68 to 63, mandating that firearm owners report lost or stolen guns to law enforcement within 48 hours.
  2. Purpose: Proponents argue that this measure will help reduce the supply of illegally obtained firearms used in criminal activities.
  3. Supporting Arguments: Pennington Republican Matt Bliss emphasized the importance of prompt reporting to prevent unintended criminalization of gun owners and reduce illegal gun circulation.
  4. Opposing Perspectives: St. Paul Democrat Kaye Vang argued that the legislation offers flexibility, especially for scenarios like leaving firearms unattended at cabins, allowing owners time to realize if their guns are missing.
  5. Impact: The bill aims to enhance gun safety by ensuring timely reporting of lost or stolen firearms, potentially curbing their illegal use and circulation in criminal activities.

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