James W. Varno in Legal Trouble Following Outburst

James W. Varno
James W. Varno

AUDUBON, MN (nomadnews.i234.me) – A 56-year-old man from Aabon, Minnesota, finds himself in legal trouble after a verbal altercation with the police chief led to criminal charges.

  1. Incident Details: On April 10th at 8:48 p.m., James W. Varno engaged in a heated exchange with the police chief while he was parked in his squad vehicle, chatting with others.
  2. Verbal Assault: Varno allegedly approached the driver’s side window and hurled profanities at the chief, prompting a disorderly conduct charge.
  3. Escalation: Despite being warned by the chief, Varno continued his disruptive behavior, yelling obscenities as he drove by another street, leading to his arrest.
  4. Serious Charges: Varno now faces not only misdemeanor disorderly conduct but also felony threats of violence for allegedly making menacing remarks toward the chief.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing legal case.

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