Grand Forks Man Faces Felony Terrorizing Charges for Allegedly Making Death Threat and Phone Interference

Benjamin N. Salter
Benjamin N. Salter

GRAND FORKS, ND ( – In a concerning development, 25-year-old Benjamin N. Salter from Grand Forks faces serious charges after an incident on April 25th. Responding to a hang-up 911 call on the 1800 block of Dyke Avenue, Grand Forks police encountered a male victim who reported that Salter had allegedly threatened to kill him. Additionally, Salter purportedly attempted to obstruct the victim’s emergency call by trying to seize his phone.

According to court documents, Salter now confronts a pair of felony charges: terrorizing and interference with a telephone during an emergency call. The severity of the alleged threats and actions underscores the gravity of the situation and the importance of swift legal action.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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