Fargo Resident Charged with 5 Felonies for Suspected Arson and Stalking Incident.

Randy Gblah
Randy Gblah

FARGO, ND (nomadnews.i234.me) – In a disturbing turn of events, Randy Gblah, a resident of Fargo, finds himself entangled in legal troubles, facing five serious felony charges stemming from an incident involving alleged stalking and attempted arson against his former girlfriend. The unsettling event transpired on April 30th, at a third-floor apartment in Fargo.

Discovery of Arson Attempt

At 3:19 a.m., authorities, including Fargo police and firefighters, responded to a distress call at the apartment complex. Upon arrival, they encountered a chilling scene—a piece of cloth, ablaze, wrapped around the door handle of the victim’s apartment. Swift action was taken to extinguish the flames, and the building was promptly evacuated to ensure the safety of its residents.

Absence of Victim and Ominous Threats

Fortunately, the female victim, who possesses a valid protection order against Randy Gblah, was not present during the arson attempt. However, eyewitnesses reported sightings of Gblah within the premises earlier that night. Additionally, disturbing details emerged regarding Gblah’s alleged behavior, including the revelation that he had made a staggering 17 phone calls to the victim and left three ominous voicemails. One of these messages ominously declared, “Your home burned tonight.”

Legal Ramifications for Randy Gblah

As the investigation unfolded, Randy Gblah found himself facing the full force of the law, with authorities levying a total of five felony charges against him:

  1. Arson: The act of intentionally setting fire to property, endangering lives and causing destruction.
  2. Endangering by Fire: Placing individuals at risk of harm through the use of fire, a serious offense under the law.
  3. Violation of a Protection Order: Breaching the terms of a court-issued protection order, designed to safeguard the well-being of the victim.
  4. Terrorizing: Instilling fear and apprehension in the victim through threats and menacing behavior.
  5. Domestic Violence: Committing acts of violence or intimidation against an intimate partner, constituting a grave violation of personal safety and well-being.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for nomadnews.i234.me

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