Fargo Resident Accused of Terrorizing Family During Domestic Dispute with Gun Threat

Taylor Buhr
Taylor Buhr

FARGO, ND (nomadnews.i234.me) – Taylor Buhr, a resident of Fargo, is now facing serious legal repercussions after allegedly making a gun threat during a domestic violence incident, according to court documents. The incident unfolded on March 29th when officers responded to a disturbance at a Fargo apartment.

Reports indicate that a female victim sought refuge in the apartment hallway, screaming for assistance after Buhr purportedly assaulted her, resulting in a bloody lip. It is alleged that Buhr, in a fit of rage, threatened bystanders who intervened, including two men who came to the victim’s aid.

Court documents reveal that Buhr menacingly declared, “You’re not so tough, and I’ll go get my nine,” a statement interpreted as a reference to a 9mm pistol.

As a result of these alarming allegations, Buhr is now confronted with a felony charge of terrorizing alongside misdemeanor charges related to domestic violence. The gravity of the situation underscores the importance of swift and decisive action to address instances of domestic violence and threats of firearm violence.

For Nomad News, I’m Tom Berg reporting on the unsettling developments surrounding the case of Taylor Buhr.

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