Fargo Man Faces Felony Charges for Allegedly Breaking into Ex-Girlfriend’s Apartment

Edwin Manzano
Edwin Manzano

FARGO, ND (nomadnews.i234.me) – In a disturbing incident unfolding in Fargo, Edwin Manzano faces serious charges after allegedly forcing his way into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment in the early hours of April 25th. According to court documents, the Fargo woman reported that Manzano climbed up to her second-story balcony and used a helmet to shatter the outer glass patio door. He then proceeded to kick in the wooden inner patio door before fleeing the scene. Fortunately, police were able to apprehend Manzano nearby.

Manzano now faces a felony charge of Criminal Trespass for the alleged forced entry into the apartment, highlighting the severity of the situation. The victim’s safety and security were compromised, emphasizing the importance of swift legal action to protect individuals from such acts of intrusion and aggression.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for nomadnews.i234.me

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