Fargo Man Accused of Sharing Child Pornography With Former School Superintendent

Aaron Nicholas Doss
Aaron Nicholas Doss

FARGO, ND (nomadnews.i234.me) – A Fargo man is facing criminal charges after allegedly sharing child pornography with a former school superintendent who was already facing child porn charges. Aaron Nicholas Doss, 31, has been charged with two felonies: promoting sexual performance by a minor and possession of certain materials prohibited.

According to court documents, Doss shared photos of a 16-year-old Fargo girl with Ryan Wayne Baron, the former superintendent of Midkota Schools in North Dakota. The two also discussed different things they could do with that girl.

Baron is already facing charges related to child pornography and has pleaded not guilty. Doss’s case highlights the disturbing nature of child exploitation and the need for vigilance in preventing it.

The investigation into Doss began when law enforcement received a tip about his online activity involving child pornography. A search warrant was executed at his home, where investigators found evidence supporting the charges against him.

Doss is currently out on bond and is scheduled to appear in court next month for a status conference. If convicted, he could face significant jail time and other penalties.

This case serves as a reminder that child pornography is a serious crime with devastating consequences for the victims involved. It also underscores the importance of reporting any suspicious activity to law enforcement so that those who prey on children can be brought to justice.

I’m Tom Berg reporting for nomadnews.i234.me

Ryan Wayne Baron

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