Bill Clarifying Parentage Determination Passed by Minnesota House


  1. Legislation Approval: The Minnesota House passed a bill with a vote of 68 to 61, aiming to provide clarity in determining legal parentage, particularly for children born through assisted reproduction methods like in vitro fertilization or surrogacy.
  2. Sponsor’s Perspective: Sponsors assert that the bill will simplify the process for Minnesotans to establish parental rights, offering clarity and security to families formed through alternative reproductive processes.
  3. Opposing Views: St. Paul Democrat Athena Hollands emphasizes the importance of legal clarity and security for families, while Rebecca Deah Hunt from the Minnesota Family Council expresses concerns about surrogacy, stating that it commodifies women’s bodies and can lead to exploitation and abuse.
  4. Religious Perspectives: Jason Atkins from the Minnesota Catholic Conference hopes that individuals considering commercial surrogacy would opt for adoption instead, echoing Pope Francis’s recent call for a global ban on surrogacy.
  5. Rationale Behind the Bill: Proponents argue that the current legal framework often necessitates an arduous second-parent adoption process for many, including married LGBTQ+ parents, to establish legal parenthood, highlighting the need for reform.

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